Sunday 11 March 2012

Tips for Travelling

Here are some tips for you to follow

1)      Make a travel group
Avoid travelling alone as it is always good to travel in a group.

2)      Don’t be a good person
Means in contacts of never offer or accept to carry anything for anyone. It’s the cardinal rule for travelling and backpacking.

3)      Make sure you always been notify
At least one person at home should always know where you are and send email, Facebook or Twitter update to them every destination you arrived.

4)      Ruin your stuff a little
The newer your stuff looks, the tastier it is to a thief. Looking like a seasoned traveler will also deter thieves. On long bus rides, sleep on your pack.

5)      Keep a travel journal
All those memories can be stored with free mobile apps by using the Smartphone such as iPhone and Blackberry.

6)      Travelling wallet
All your travel documents and cash must be with you all the time. But make sure your wallet is suitable for travel. Easy to bring but never stuff them in your backpack. Male some copies of your travel documents.

7)      Pack smart
Roll clothes instead of folding. Pack zip-lock bags to seal and make sure you have an extra padlock for keep it in secure. But don’t lose your keys. Pack your thing by what you’ll need first at the top of your bag.

8)      The cash
Make sure you have enough money to travel. Don’t forget to change it into the right currency.

9)      Packing Essentials
Must have items for traveler:
a)      Flip Flops
b)      Pillowcases
c)      Extra wallet – there is always have pickpocket so do divide your money into different wallets to reduce the risk.
d)      Wet wipes - A shower may not always available
e)      Space saver bags

10)   The bag
You don’t need to bring the whole things into your bag. Make sure you bring the comfort and durable bag. Take attention of the size because some bags are too big for you to carry into the cabin. Label up your bag so you will recognize that it yours.

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